Thursday, January 29, 2009


After reading Ouiser's list of books on her bedside table, I was inspired to start a meme of the same topic. So here's what's on my bedside table, books and otherwise:
  • Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman, MD (see previous post)
  • Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters (my current book club read, very good, full of unexpected plot twists)
  • Becoming Vegan, by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina (haven't started this yet)
  • The Fiery Cross, by Diana Gabaldon (the fifth book in the Outlander series, historical romance with impressively accurate period details, addictive)
  • How Babies Talk, by Roberta Michnik Golinkoff and Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (I first read this in grad school and it was great, very layperson-friendly; rereading it now that I have my own child)
  • Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones, by Amy Butler and Colin McGuire (not so much reading this as daydreaming about making all the projects. I am so backed up on my list of projects that I could probably be booked for a year straight. I love Amy Butler, all her designs, fabrics, etc., and pretty much demanded the Husband by this for my birthday back in November. He didn't, but his aunt did. Thanks again, L!)
  • Brsinger, by Christopher Paolini (this is the third book in the Inheritance series. The author was 17 when he wrote the first one. Great for fans of Tolkien and other fantasy epics.)
  • A Greener Christmas, by Sheherazade Goldsmith (a gift from Ouiser, and I'm so excited to read it, but it doesn't feel exactly urgent in January...)
  • a lamp
  • a box of tissues
  • a bottle of linen spray (I'm sure this has chemicals in it that are horrible for me, but I've had the bottle for years and use it every once in a while, and quite enjoy it when I do. I won't buy another, but do intend to use this one up.)
  • baby monitor
  • various hair accessories
  • various parenting and home organization magazines
That's a lot. No wonder the table looks so cluttered. I'll probably soon be adding Eclipse to the pile, too, as I don't think I can hold out any longer. Ouiser and I saw the Twilight movie last Sunday and I haven't stopped thinking about the third book since then.

That's it for me. Die Frau: tag, you're it. What's on your bedside table?

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