I'm also growing acutely aware that we have a massive bib shortage. I've used everything from a cloth diaper to a kitchen towel to a washcloth today because I just can't keep up with the bib laundry. Six bibs doesn't make it very far when you're doing three meals a day.
I've had so many other things I've wanted to blog about, but The Husband and I continue to feel overwhelmed by life in general. We've made a conscious decision to just start letting some things slide because we're both about to lose it completely. So the house is extra messy. Dinner doesn't always get made. And I don't blog much. Hopefully it will get better. But happy husbands and wives and mamas and papas are more important than all that other junk, so that's what we're focusing on.
In the meantime, current projects include: filing taxes, installing baby gates, installing carbon monoxide/smoke detectors, figuring out how not to freeze our baby out (who lives on the first floor) without sleeping in pools of our own sweat (in our room on the second floor), and jumping through the endless hoops required by the State of Tennessee in order for me to get a license to practice here. Apparently AZ was a little more lax. Funny, it didn't seem like it when I was jumping through their hoops. Oh, and more bibs are on the shopping list. And baby food freezing trays.
Glad to hear you guys are letting a few things go to maintain a sanity and happiness level - very impt!
Also laughing at the "baby food freezing trays" which are ice cube trays with covers. I have some great ones from Bed, Bath, & Beyond that I love! The bottoms are soft so you can pop them out one by one.
congrats on letting go of things. You are so right that mom,dad and baby being happy is so much more inpt. and it's funny all the "stuff" is still there when you get to it. It is really nice to get the food frozen esp. when she is hungery and your pressed for time. how would have know a baby so small could generate soooo much laundry !!! You don't have to take anymore tests for your license do you? How is the job situation for you once you get the license?
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