Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aaaaand....We're back.

Alright, summer vacation's over. I'm back. I couldn't stay away from y'all forever. Plus, I sense that I'm one step away from receiving threatening letters from certain readers.

The feathernesters have had a heck of a summer. Most recently, we were in Austin for a week visiting Toddler Tamer and brood. Baby S is even cuter in real life than in her pictures; what a happy, easy-going baby. My Papoose loved her and asked for the "Baby" first thing most mornings we were there.

Cont'd five days later...

The Papoose is still talking about J and the "baby."

She's talking up a storm in general. Tonight, she got ice cream down her dress inadvertently that neither of us realized was there until I peeled her dress off of her, saw the bright red spot where it must have been freezing her, and it started dripping down her belly. "Oh, MAN!" she exclaimed, repeatedly, to much hilarity from her parents. She's awesome.

I have so much more to update, but I'm going to go ahead and post this very random and jumpy entry. I've gotta ease back into this bloggy thing, y'all.


Strongmama said...

glad the hiatus is over!

Wonderland said...

I'm glad you're back!